Sunday 2 March 2014

You are Universe

----- from Ashtavakra Gita (अष्टावक्रगीता)

त्वया व्याप्तमिदं विश्वं त्वयि प्रोतं यथार्थतः ।
शुद्धबुद्धस्वरुपस्त्वं मा गमः क्षुद्रचित्तताम ॥१-१६ ॥

Tvayā vyāptamidaṁ viśvaṁ tvayi protaṁ yathārthataḥ |
śuddhabuddhasvarūpastvaṁ mā gamaḥ kṣudracittatām ||1-16||

Translation :-

यह विश्व तुम्हारे द्वारा व्याप्त किया हुआ है । वास्तव में तुमने इसे व्याप्त किया हुआ है । तुम शुद्ध और ज्ञानस्वरुप हो । छोटेपन की भावना से गृस्त मत हो ।

You pervade this universe and this universe is superimposed on you. By nature you are Pure Consciousness. Do not give way to pettiness of the mind.


YOU are prior to the existence of this Universe. How can this be ever refuted? Is it not true that the existence of this universe depends upon my own existence? Could it be possible to have the knowledge of this universe without ‘I’ being there first? In fact the universe disappears in the deep sleep state yet, ‘I’ as the pure Consciousness remains. This proves that while the existence of the universe depends on my beingness, my beingness is not dependent on whether this universe exists or not. Therefore, Ashtavakra says
that the SELF from which this world gets projected, must necessarily pervade the entire universe. You are the substratum on which this entire universe is superimposed.

Just as gold pervades the ornaments or mud pervades the pot similarly the Self pervades the entirety of everything known, seen and experienced in this universe.

When you are this substratum on which various types of conceptual
knowledge like names and forms (which belong to this false world) are superimposed, it is so unfortunate that you have allowed yourself to be identified with all these projections. You are the one who has given birth to this universe and therefore you must always hold your head high and walk like you own this universe and not behave like a beggar always looking for what the world can offer you

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