Tuesday 20 August 2013

The Auspicious Beauty of Shiva ::

The Auspicious Beauty of Shiva ::

Later Shiva, for the pleasure of Parvati’s mother, transformed himself into a supremely handsome male, dressed richly according to social norms:

‘Every part of his body was exquisite. He became fair, handsome and shone with a divine radiance. Embellished with many ornaments and a garland of fresh jasmine flowers, he smiled with delight, capturing his mother in law’s heart, who stood stunned at this fascinating view of beauty.’

Shiva had in fact transformed himself into ‘Sundaramurti,’ or the embodiment of all masculine beauty on this earth. Indeed, the supremely auspicious image of Shiva marrying Parvati is aptly titled "Kalyana Sundaram," or the beauty which grants welfare, the latter feature being inherent in Shiva’s epithet Shankara,, literally meaning ‘one who grants welfare (sham).’

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